Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Terrifically Subtle Dreams

In my dream last night, I decided to pour out everything I was considering for my seminar paper onto a document, and go back and edit it later. After writing down everything I could think of, my paper was 2 pages long. Double-spaced.

It needs to be 15.

On a related note, I am supposed to be seriously dedicated to said paper today, but instead I keep hopping onto the New York Times, hitting refresh on Nate Silver's fivethirtyeight blog, hoping he will say something encouraging about the Nevada race. That it is not only possible but incredibly likely that Harry Reid will lose to Sharon Angle is, to me, astonishing, and the clearest indicator yet that the end times are upon us. Let others obsess over Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh - media figures are powerful, certainly, but the batsh&* crazy woman will probably, by the end of the day, be one of the 102 most powerful people on the entire planet. Yes - on the planet. No one holds more power than Senators in this country, particularly with the way the Senate is currently dividing and operating, except for the President and Vice President. And until China knocks it out from under us - due to happen any day now - we still stand as the most powerful country in the world. ERGO.

Today, probably in honor of CNN, is our Black in America class in my GCS seminar (since race in America is always constructed in terms of the visual and therefore the only race in America is, obviously, Black, and therefore race in America is actually about Black in America and I think you follow me on this, yes? Sorry Asian people. Sorry Middle Eastern people. etc), and I am trying to figure out exactly on what grounds to argue that stalking the election results throughout the class will directly relate to the material. I think there's a strong case to be made here.

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