Saturday, February 26, 2011


"Aha! Freud has told me why I am uncomfortable discussing sex! I DO wear a thick overcoat as though it were bad weather in the world of sex!" - My amazing grad school Job
I was pretty much in it to win it with Freud when he got in to the gays, because quite frankly, the dude was pretty damn open-minded even by today's standards, never mind over a century ago. His metaphors are, as my job noted, hilarious, and every now and then he'll come out with something that really is kind of pure poetry:
"That cruelty and sexual impulse are most intimately connected is beyond doubt taught by the history of civilization."
WORD, Freud. Word. But then, every now and again, he will just totally, completely lose me, and, I believe, any sane and rational reader. To wit:
"The significance of the factor of sexual overestimation can be best studied in the man, in whom alone the sexual life is accessible to investigation, whereas in the woman it is veiled in impenetrable darkness, partly in consequence of cultural stunting and partly on account of the conventional reticence and dishonesty of women."
Soooo... ok then.

Freud is turning out to be quite the challenge. An enigma, if you will, which was the title of a recent message I received on OKCupid, which went as follows, true story:
You’re Julia Child on acid meets Betty Page’s masculine side on Prozac.
You are a riddle wrapped in an enigma dipped in chocolate.
I want to wrap you in cellophane and throw marshmallows at you.
Which I have to say, I think Freud would have had a fucking field day with.

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